Upcoming Tempest tryouts

Tempest Ultimate is holding tryouts for its 2019 competitive season this month.
The province’s competitive travelling women’s team, based in St. John’s, marks its 10th year in 2019. Tryouts will take place over three weeks on the following dates:
- Tuesday, March 5: 10-11:30 p.m.
- Tuesday, March 12: 10-11:30 p.m.
- Tuesday, March 19: 10-11:30 p.m.
To sign up for tryouts, click here.
All sessions will take place at the Techniplex in St. John’s.
Tempest aims to select a roster of 18 players that will travel to at least two tournaments (Boston and Ottawa) this summer.
The cost to participate in the tryouts is $30. Any female-matching player that is interested in attending the tryouts is welcome.
Questions may be directed to tempestultimatenl@gmail.com.