Ultimate NL Awards
Each year, we recognize and celebrate the many people in our community who contribute to the growth of ultimate in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Nominations for the 2024 Annual Ultimate Newfoundland and Labrador are now open! To nominate, visit the Nominations page.
We are hosting our annual Ultimate NL Awards & Volunteer Appreciation Event on Saturday, March 29, 2024 at the Alt Hotel. (Note: This is an invite only event).
Award Categories
Lifetime Achievement AwardKristine Cadigan Award
Joe Coady Award
Justin Frampton Spirit of the Game Award
Coach of the Year Award
Junior Female Athlete of the Year Award
Junior Male Athlete of the Year Award
Female Athlete of the Year Award
Male Athlete of the Year Award
Lifetime Achievement Award
As a volunteer-driven sport, the lifeline of ultimate lies within the generosity of the community in donating time, skill and resources to ensure the sport continues to prosper.
The Lifetime Achievement Award honours individuals who have contributed their talent and efforts towards significantly developing the sport of ultimate within the province.
Minimum 10 years contribution required.
This award is not necessarily awarded annually.
2021: Dave Finn
2018: Stefan Barnes
2017: Suzy Stever
2016: Sarah Mills and Fred Mills
2015: Brent Smith
Kristine Cadigan Award
Kristine Cadigan was a devoted and energetic ultimate player who passed away suddenly prior to the start of the 2005 summer league. She was passionate about sport and saw the future of ultimate involving youth and youth programs.
Ultimate NL created this award in her memory to honour a female-identifying athlete who demonstrates outstanding ability, spirit and commitment to the sport of ultimate.
This award is given to an individual who is not only a skilled player but has also contributed to ultimate in the province through competition, volunteering and/or mentoring.
2023: Hilary Walsh
2022: Melissa Wheeler
2021: Sophie Blais
2019: Rachael Fitkowski
2018: Kathleen Sullivan
2017: Melissa Wheeler
2016: Erin Daly
2015: Jessica Wade
2014: Callista Coldwell
2013: Sarah Tuziak
2012: Beth Beattie
2011: Carolyn Duncan
2010: Claire Moore-Gibbons
2009: Natalie O’Donnell
2008: Sara Mackay
2007: Suzy Stever
2006: Kris Poduska
2005: Nora Trask
Joe Coady Award
In the summer of 2008, Ultimate NL experienced a great loss with the sudden passing of one of the founding enthusiasts of ultimate in St. John’s: Joe Coady. Joe was a lover of life and passionate about making our world a better place to live in. His enthusiasm made him invaluable to the ultimate community both on and off the field. Joe worked tirelessly behind the scenes volunteering in many capacities and brought laughter to even the most mundane of tasks.
In his memory and in recognition of what he contributed to the ultimate community, Ultimate NL established the Joe Coady Volunteer Award.
This award honours an Ultimate NL volunteer who has shown great commitment and dedication in giving their time to advance the development of ultimate in the province.
It recognizes exemplary service to the ultimate community.
2023: Melissa Wheeler
2022: Nicholas House
2021: Kathleen Sullivan
2020: Kelly Knight
2019: Melissa Wheeler
2018: Kurtis Thornhill
2017: Allan Johnson
2016: Nicholas House
2015: Karen Lawlor
2014: Keith Krieger
2013: Justin Warren
2012: Robert Langridge
2011: Nicholas Delaney
2010: Fred Perry
2009: Johnny Byrne
2008: Chris Whittick
Justin Frampton Spirit of the Game Award
As the foundation of ultimate, Spirit of the Game is the guiding principle of fair play and respect. Spirit of the Game takes many forms and may be demonstrated both on and off the field.
In 2016, this award was renamed to honour Justin Frampton, a long-time Ultimate NL player and Mile Zero Ultimate board member who lost his battle with cancer that year.
It recognizes an individual who exemplifies Spirit of the Game within the ultimate community.
2023: Julian Costigan
2022: Rachel Fitowski
2021: Michael Walsh
2020: Benjamin Dowden
2019: Laurel Penney
2018: Claire Genest
2017: Michael Walsh
2016: Cameron Segger
Coach of the Year Award
The Coach of the Year Award is presented to an individual who has contributed personally to both their athletes’ personal success and the sport of ultimate within the province.
This person has made a difference to an organization/program and continually seeks innovative ways to improve others experience of ultimate.
This individual must have proven leadership skills and have contributed significantly throughout the season.
2023: Craig Stoyles
2022: Michael Walsh
2021: Craig Stoyles
2019: Hilary Walsh
2018: Craig Stoyles
2017: Aaron Power
2016: Keith Krieger
Junior Female Athlete of the Year Award
The Junior Female Athlete of the Year is presented annually to a female-matching athlete who has achieved impressive team and individual results
This individual must have proven leadership skills and contributed significantly to their team.
Must be 18 years or younger as of Dec. 31st, 2021.
2023: Maria Dodd
2022: Gracie Beattie
2021: Moira Costigan
2020: Shannon Jones
2019: Shae LeDevehat
2018: Madison Hull
2017: Madison Hull
2016: Amanda Davis
Junior Male Athlete of the Year Award
The Junior Male Athlete of the Year is presented annually to a male-matching athlete who has achieved impressive team and individual results.
This individual must have proven leadership skills and contributed significantly to their team.
Must be 18 years or younger as of Dec. 31st, 2021.
2023: Peter Dormody
2022: Cameron Coles
2021: Coady Murphy
2020: Julian Costigan
2019: Kyle Hedderson
2018: Andrew Workman
2017: Jeremy Pike
2016: Cameron Penney
Female Athlete of the Year Award
The Female Athlete of the Year is presented annually to a female-matching athlete who has achieved impressive team and individual results.
This individual must have proven leadership skills and contributed significantly to their team or sport.
2023: Gracie Beattie
2022: Stefanie Walsh
2021: Erin Daly
2020: Erin Daly
2019: Erin Daly
2018: Erin Daly
2017: Erin Daly
Male Athlete of the Year Award
The Male Athlete of the Year is presented annually to a male-matching athlete who has achieved impressive team and individual results.
This individual must have proven leadership skills and contributed significantly to their team or sport.
2023: Nicholas House
2022: Andrew Workman
2021: Cameron Penney
2020: Nicholas House
2019: Luke Dyer
2018: Luke Dyer
2017: Luke Dyer