NewsUltimate NL

ISOTG Day is Dec 4th

International Spirit of the Game (iSOTG) Day is on December 4th and we are celebrating virtually again this year!

Our ISOTG virtual contest was really popular last year…so it’s back!

From December 1 – December 6 nominate someone in the Ultimate community who you think represents SOTG on and off the field, and they will be entered to win a prize! You can nominate as many people as you like by filling out the nomination form.

Remember! SOTG incorporates five principles:
1) Know the Rules`
2) Avoid Body Contact
3) Be Fair-minded
4) Enjoy Playing
5) Communicate Respectfully

The winner will be randomly drawn on December 7th and announced on our social media pages. We will be sharing nominations on social media so give us some great spirit stories or examples to share with our followers! #iSOTGDay