Ultimate NL 2022 Women’s Skill Development Series delivers for participants!

Ultimate NL’s most recent offering of its Women’s Skill Development Series for spring 2022 was a huge success with eight weeks of learning for all participants. The series ran from March 15th to May 3rd.
The women’s skill series has continued to be well received, and as a way to promote and better target the needs of the beginner and intermediate groups, sport development director Rebecca Mesburis worked hard to revamp the program. “The purpose of the revamped program was to teach participants a diverse set of skills as well as the “mechanics” of different game strategies,” said Mesburis.
Skill development and rules knowledge are fundamental for players of all experience levels. The ability to offer an array of topics, from horizontal and vertical stack offensive play to defensive strategies of marking and force, to help improve participants skills through group instruction and drills was key to offering these learning opportunities for female-matching players interested in developing and expanding their skillsets.
“The Skills Series would not have been able to take place without the dedication from our female-matching volunteers from Tempest Ultimate and coaching staff of Storm Ultimate,” said Melissa Wheeler, Ultimate NL’s vice-president. “Volunteers play an integral part in the success of our ultimate frisbee community and we are so grateful for the willingness of our volunteers to donate their time to this event.”
On behalf of Ultimate NL, “I cannot thank the incredible women who coached these sessions enough because they are truly the ones who made the program possible,” said Mesburis. “Their dedication and knowledge is greatly appreciated.”
Partial funding for the Women’s Skill Development Series was provided by the Wellness Coalition of Avalon East. “We are so thrilled to have been able to offer our third iteration of the Women’s Skills Series over the course of 8 weeks in spring 2022 thanks in part to support from the Wellness Coalition of Avalon East,” said Melissa.
As one of the facilitators of the program, Melissa Wheeler, Ultimate NL’s vice-president, said “we were able to offer programming each week that was tailored for beginner players and intermediate players and our participants in the series were very eager, excited and a joy to teach each week,” said Wheeler.
Be on the lookout for more offerings of the Women’s Skills Development Series!
Thank you to Jason Fong, EastCan Photography for the awesome photos of the skills series.